
What are Coach Peggy Real Time Groups?

Coach Peggy Real Time Groups are a branch off the Coach Peggy Real Time docu-series. The CPRT Groups are a 10-week virtual group series and very similar to the show in regards to content, challenges, a private Facebook site, as well as access to Coach Peggy’s coaching and motivation, however, there are a few differences:

  • The groups have more participants than the show. Typical group sizes are between 10-12 participants. The show cast is less than five.

  • The group’s sessions are not taped and aired publicly on social media platforms.

  • The group is not required to post their experience publicly on the Coach Peggy Real Time Community.

  • There is an investment to participate in the groups.  

Coach Peggy’s mission is to enhance the health and wellness of as many lives as possible. She has coached tens of thousands of clients through group settings and will guide you through a plethora of strategies and tools she has created over the years using her trademarked 24-spoke All Things Wellness Wheel. She will help you repair “punctured” areas in your life. 

Coach Peggy is a firm believer that Your Real World, not a cookie-cutter plan; a one-size-fits-all. You will learn where you spend your time, what habits serve you and no longer serve you in order to improve all areas of your life such as relationships, sleep, stress levels, nutrition, movement,

Being in a group is a unique experience. Coach Peggy’s group participants have achieved many goals individually and as a collective group. There are marathoners, women with PCOS who went on to become pregnant, several who are no longer diabetic, shy peeps who became public speakers and Zumba instructors.

Group coaching is one of Coach Peggy’s favorite vessles. “Watching like-minded people bond and lean on each other to achieve success is a blessing.” Take advantage of the extra support from a dozen other people cheering you on.

Invest in your own health and wellness is priceless. 10-week CPRT Group series at $599 per person.


Who is this Coach Peggy broad?

Coach Peggy Willms is more than a health, wellness and life coach. She has been a Trend Setter for 30+ years with her unique approach, tools and strategies shattering the “Norm.” She is a certified personal trainer and sports performance nutritionist. She has managed of multi-million-dollar medical clinics, is an entrepreneur, her unique business and work-site wellness programs have earned her multiple awards. She is a successful entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC. She has her own radio show: The Coach Peggy Show, Co-hosts Girls on Top radio show out of the U.K., and is Executive Producer and Host for a transformation docu-series called Coach Peggy Real Time. She is a highly-sought after coach, speaker. You must also attend one of her wellness retreats.

Her unique ability to know you better than you know yourself coupled with her “don’t waste our time” approach will propel you to success, regardless of your goal. If you are willing to try something different. She’s different.

She admits, she’s not for everyone. She tells you what you need to hear. and it’s not always what you want to hear.  

If you want to face the music and get healthy, wealthy and wise, then you better be willing to rip the band-aid off. You may laugh; you may cry. She welcomes both. Emotions keep you in motion and Breakdowns = Breakthroughs. 

 She’s got you. She doesn’t give up, and won’t let you.

 BUT… NO whining allowed :).

Join the Coach Peggy Real Time Community. The Facebook site is a location for CPRT docu-series, groups and the public to share their health and wellness journeys.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
