Apply to be a cast member or nominate someone for Coach Peggy Real Time Show



What is The Coach Peggy Real Time Show?

What is Coach Peggy Real Time (CPRT)?

CPRT is  a transformation coaching docuseries. Selected cast members are video-taped over a 10-week period via Zoom. The casts’ wellness journey is aired publicly on social media platforms every week. There are between three to four cast members each season who are guided through their wellness journey by one of the best health, wellness, fitness and life coaches in the industry... Coach Peggy Willms.

The show is unscripted and unrehearsed. Real People. Real Problems. Real Solutions. 

This unique experience allows you to connect with the cast. Perhaps your area of concern is to lose or gain weight, reduce your prescription medication, decrease procrastination, stop repeating patterns of bad relationships or to overcome confidence in order to advance professionally. Regardless of your focus and desire, Coach Peggy’s got you.

She gives it to you like it is. Utilizing Coach Peggy’s tools and strategies, your self-discovery will arm you with juicy data in helping you design wellness that fits into your real world. You will eliminate habits that have not served you up to this point. You will also dust off those healthy habits you may have tabled for awhile celebrating those areas where you shine. CPRT is not a weight-loss show. It is a show about improving all areas of your life using Coach Peggy’s 24-spoke All Things Wellness Wheel as a guide to repair “punctured” areas in your life thus amping up your odds to lead a longer, happier life.

Going public whether on this show or in another forum, amplifies your desire to improve your health and wellness - it launches you to success; makes you accountable. Sure it can be scary as hell. but you’re ready! You have fellow cast mates by your side, you will have super fan followers and, of course, you have Coach Peggy Willms.


Who is this Coach Peggy broad?

Who is Coach Peggy?

Coach Peggy Willms is more than a health, wellness and life coach. She has been a Trend Setter for 30+ years with her unique approach, tools and strategies shattering the “Norm.” She is a certified personal trainer, sports performance nutritionist, wellness and life coach, and author. She has managed multi-million-dollar medical clinics, is an entrepreneur, and her unique business and work-site wellness programs have earned her multiple awards. She is a successful entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC. She has her own radio show: The Coach Peggy Show, is Executive Producer and Host for the transformation docuseries, Coach Peggy Real Time. She is a highly-sought after coach, consultant and speaker. You must also attend one of her wellness retreats.

Her unique ability to know you better than you know yourself coupled with her “don’t waste our time” approach will propel you to success, regardless of your goal. If you are willing to try something different, she’s different.

She admits, she’s not for everyone. She tells you what you need to hear. and it’s not always what you want to hear.  

 BUT… NO whining allowed :).

Coach Peggy Real Time docu-series airs every Sunday at 9 p.m. EST on Facebook @coachpeggywillms. The docu-series is a 10- week public version of the Groups. Grab a snack and go check them out.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
